Thursday, May 15, 2008

Laajalahti to Kankariluoto then Lehmisaari

It was a cold, cold start to the day, as we headed north-east to meet up with Tomas and Lorcan who had spent the night on Soisalo.

It was a fair slog almost directly into the wind, so it was head down and plough on through the biting wind. It was all worth it in the end, as we finally got to try a Finnish sauna.

 A wonderful way to get the circulation going again. It's funny how much warmer the lake seems afterwards. 8 degree's in the water, air temp, 5 degrees C, inside the sauna was too hot for the thermometer. After gettin changed, it was into Timo's cabin for lunch, all 14 of us. Grateful for the warmth while we ate for a a change, before heading on to Kankariluoto.

When we arrived we realised that due to the high water levels in the lake we could camp on one island and have a campfire, but any visit to the toilet would have meant getting into a canoe to paddle the 40 meters to the toilet, or braving a walk across a narrow causeway in frigid water. The general consensus was no bloody way, since it was early in the day & we were still fresh from the sauna, we opted to venture onwards to Lehmisaari.

It didn't take long to get tents up, once we found enough space between the trees! The group was in high spirits for the evening, and after dinner we helped John celebrate his 21st birthday by throwing him a surprise party.
 There were balloons, cake and candles, so all the essential ingredients were there. Oh, and we had a few drinks as well.

Definately the latest night we've had, even though almost everyone was in their tents by around midnight.
As usual, pics and maybe even videos to follow once i get home.

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