Saturday, May 10, 2008

Vehvaa to Vavesaari

Woke to the sound of rain on the tent again, so much like camping back in ireland. Broke camp in the drizzle, though thankfully it'd cleared for long enough to get a decent breakfast into us, and once again we were on the water. This morning it was on the Rantojoki which graced us with more lacklustre rapids at paasikioski before opening up onto phyaluoma lake. We crossed this to porsaskoski, where we took a short break as we carried our boats around the race of picturesque old mill, before venturing on across pitkasjaryi & down palvalampi and orjuu lakes. Much to our dismay, we discovered on arrival at Nykala that the shop and cafe was not just closed, but closed down, so after a short breather it was back in the boats and south along pilkanselka lake till we came to the island of Vavesaari which was to be our home for the night. Distance since breakfast, about 25Km.

P.s. Sorry about the spelling mistakes in yesterdays post, thats part of the joys of cellphone blogging